Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sometimes I Want To Runaway

Sorry about the last entry being so such the last time. I had to rush it out before running out to work. Still have to rush off to work but wanted to write a decent post before going to work today. I wanted to leave something decent to read before getting on with my day. I think I need to make it clear that this is an adult blog (as if one hasn't figured that out yet-LMAO). It's because the topics I ponder are adult topics but that doesn't mean that it will be all about sex. Just figured it would be safer if I turned around and put that warning on here before going any deeper into it all. Now with that said on to what I actually wanted to write.

I have a fear that I might be on the edge of a burn out. I catch myself getting short tempered with others on a regular bases. When I am at work I catch myself day dreaming about walking out the door and down the street. Just keep walking until I get tired. Just walking down the interstate. No place in mind. Just somewhere that is not here.

Understand I would never do such a thing. I know that I have a family, two jobs, and friends who would be concerned if I left. I know it would be pure hell for everyone if I acted on such impulse. It isn't the adult thing to do. Running away from one's inner demons. Besides I know they don't disappear just because of the fact that the background changes. But it's a nice thought all the same.

To leave all my problems behind. To become another person. To have another life. To for a little while escape from the weight that is laid on my shoulders. To be able to breathe a deep breath. To be able just be me for a moment.

I know that some might think bad of me. Might think of me as one who is just looking for an easy way out in life. I know that there are others. Maybe even the ones who verbally judge me a little harsh when around others who know exactly what I am feeling. Know exactly why I sometimes wish I could push the waves of despair off my chest from time to time.

Don't worry. Tomorrow is another day and I am sure the feeling will go away. It always does. Sometimes I can't help but wish I were somewhere else. That I could just jump on the greyhound bus and escape the issues that haunt me from time to time. To be anywhere else but here.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Welcome The Inner Workings Of My Mind

Want to welcome one and all to my little blog. I will be filling it full of content in the next couple of days but wanted to let everyone know I would not only be back but that I will have a lot of interesting things for one and all to read. Thank you for stopping by and please come back again soon.